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Selectmen's Minutes November 21, 1995
             Selectmen's Meeting - November 21, 1995

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Charles Flynn, James
Haggerty, Chair; Peter Jones; and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.
Also: Joseph Nugent, Board of Selectmen's Executive Secretary.  

Haggerty called meeting to order at 7:35pm.

I. McCormack / Signing Renewals of TANs: McCormack requested the
Board to renew by signing 1.5 million dollars in Tax Anticipation
Notes at 4.1 percent interest until May 3, 1996.  The initial
signing of these notes was in July on a short term attempt to
save monies in the long term.  Motion 11/21/95.1: move that the
Board sign the renewal of the Tax Anticipation Notes presented
this evening.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.
Motion carried 5-0.   

II. Request for NYNEX Tower to be on the Agenda: Haggerty noted
that Mark Vess requested matter be placed on the December 5
agenda and that he (Haggerty) wanted decision to be made by the
Board not him alone. It was noted that there is presently on-
going litigation regarding the Appeals Board decision and that a
remand hearing was being held by that Board this evening.  Vess
requested the Selectmen hear the concerned citizens in order that
maybe Board members might have a way to mediate or just have the
chance to fully understand the situation.  Motion 11/21/95.2:
move that the Board hear the NYNEX Tower discussion on December
5.  Motion by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried
4-0-1 (Murdoch).

III. Resignation: Haggerty noted that Mr. Kennerdell had sent in
a letter of resignation for the Council of Elder Affairs seat he
was appointed to but had not yet been sworn in to by the Town
Clerk. Motion 11/21/95.3: move to accept the resignation of David
Dale Kennerdell from the Council of Elder Affairs.  Motion made
by Flynn with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 5-0.   

IV. Board of Health - Title V Sewerage Grant: Present: Ed
Gronlund, Karen Doucette, Carole McCormack.  Several Town Hall
personnel attended the November 15 info session on this potential
grant for residents from which it is believed that some
qualifying residents might benefit. Gronlund not impressed with
what has to be done in order for the Town to be on top of this
matter: must identify failed systems with intent to fix; must
administer the grant. McCormack indicated that answers are still
needed but that possibility to accept grant exists.  Kuchinski
want to see a list of the questions under consideration.  Murdoch
would like the citizenry polled with the appeal to come forward
if they thought that their system would be a candidate for this
grant. It was noted that 60 permits have been pulled this year
for repairs.  Could this populous be used to determine a target
area or potential qualifying group?  Topic to again be on the
December 19 agenda - An appeal should go out over cable and the

V. Hanson VNA: Barbara Roberts, Gaye Barrows and Louise Pierson
present.  Mrs. Roberts gave a short history of the Hanson VNA as
well as their attempt to affiliate with Whitman 15 years ago.
The basis of the switch appears to be the concept of Whitman and
Hanson being a regional school system and the ease of scheduling
various clinics because of the regionalization.  Mrs. Pierson is
the Executive Director of the Whitman VNA who noted that Whitman
has an affiliation with 9 other VNAs on the South Shore keeping
costs down for the services rendered. Jones asked about the
Whitman VNA not being on the United Way list and the reply was
that as is, Whitman VNA is non-profit organization and is on
sound financial standing.  It was agreed that the decision to
leave the Brockton VNA was in no way a dissatisfaction for the
services rendered by Brockton VNA; that Hanson residents would
still be able to continue with or pick up services rendered by
the Brockton VNA.  the two contract areas, Board of Health and
the Council of Elder Affairs have previously given letters of
support to the change made by the Hanson VNA.  Motion 11/21/95.4:
move to send a letter of support for the affiliation of the
Hanson VNA with Whitman VNA.  Motion made by Murdoch with second
by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0.  Kuchinski requested that a letter
also be sent to the Brockton VNA noting their fine service to the
community both current and future.  Hanson Community Christmas
Fund: Hanson VNA announced that 235 families have requested
assistance this year.  Donations of monies, food and assistance
is needed to help our residents. Please contact Hanson VNA.

VI. Auxiliary Police Appointment: Lt. King reported that the
department has taken in approximately 100 applications for the
force and that 8 candidates are being sent to the 13 week MCJ
Basic Intermediate Training session beginning in December.  King
believes a good mix of candidates is present: 5 in their 20s and
3 in their 30s.  King is before the Board this evening to request
that one candidate, James Bennett be appointed now. Bennett is a
6 year resident of Hanson and is a full-time corrections officer
with the Sheriff's department.  Motion 11/21/95.5: move to
appoint James Bennett as a member of the Auxiliary Police force
with a term to expire June 30, 1996.  Motion made by Flynn with a
second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 5-0.

VII. Appointments:  Motion 11/21/95.6: move to reappoint Robert
Overholtzer as Hanson's representative to the Old Colony Planning
Council for a term to expire December 31, 1998.  Motion made by
Murdoch with a second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.  Board
commended Overholtzer's attendance at meetings.

Motion 11/21/95.7: move to reappoint Noreen O'Toole as Hanson's
representative to the Old Colony Planning Council's Joint
Transportation Committee for a term to expire December 31, 1996.
Motion by Murdoch with a second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0.
Board commended O'Toole's attendance at meetings.

Motion 11/21/95.8: move to appoint Marylyn Grant to the Council
for Elder Affairs with a term to expire June 30, 1998.  Motion
made by Murdoch with a second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.

VIII. Eastern Utilities Joint Pole Relocation Request: Nugent
noted that no public hearing was required on this request to
relocate a present joint pole on Hawkes Avenue to a northwesterly
location on Hawkes Avenue. Motion 11/21/95.9: move to grant the
Eastern Utilities request to relocate joint pole on Hawkes
Avenue.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion
carried 5-0.  Nugent to report at next meeting on Kuchinski's
request for the number of double poles left in Hanson.

IX. Executive Secretary Report: (1) ADA Board Hearing: Nugent
reported on his attendance at the November 13 ADA hearing on
complaints issued for items at the schools.  (2) Selectmen for
the Fire Contract Negotiation Team: Haggerty and Jones
volunteered. Nugent to coordinate a December meeting with
Firefighters' union members for setting the ground rules.  (3)
Factory Pond Dam: Nugent gave update on ConCom Joint Meeting last
week; contract out to bid with a pre-bid conference for 6-8
contractors scheduled for next day. A waiver of time frame
received because of the need to proceed on emergency basis.
Haggerty wanted to go on record as stating that the Hanson Board
has always found the officials in Hanover as being cooperative
and willing to work with Hanson regarding the situation at
Factory Pond. After five years, Kuchinski pleased that corrective
action is taking place. (4) E-911 Meeting: scheduled for Hanson
Town Hall, November 29 at 7:30pm. (5) Space Needs: next planning
session scheduled for Nov. 28 to discuss conceptual needs and to
give direction.  (6) Dec 5 meeting: finance and school committees
invited for finance discussion.  (7) State Street bridge: some
structural problems almost led to shut down of the project but,
it is back on target for completion this calendar year.  (8)
Rockland Landfill: Town has been cc'd letter from Hanover
residents to DEP's Crombie noting Rockland's failure to live up
to the consent decree.  Drainage concerns of Hanson residents
mentioned by Kuchinski who asked Nugent to follow up with Dick
Harris and Brian Gaffey, chair of the Drainage Committee and to
report back to her if a meeting needed to be scheduled to address
the issue. (9) Habitat for Humanity: Nugent working closely with
Ms. Mary Pottle from Weymouth's Habitat and local church
committee towards seeing if either of the two lots set aside meet
Habitat needs. (10) 1995 Town Report Cover: Nugent suggested that
the Board consider the use of the 175th Committee's Town Hall
logo for the cover noting that the cost of doing so would be an
estimate of $1.00 more per copy.  Motion 11/21/95.10: move that
the Selectmen approve the extra cost of $1.00 for the cost of
using the 175th Committee logo on the Town Report.  Motion made
by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 5-0.

IX. Action Requests:  (1) Jones - Auxiliary Police: Jones asked
Police Chief to develop a sheet of minimum information on the
qualifications of the candidate(s) being presented to the Board
for appointment. (2) Murdoch - CIC and VNA Christmas Fund: people
to serve on Capital Improvements Committee needed; gifts, money
and time needed to service all the requests made this year -
please come forward if you can assist. (3) Haggerty - report of
School Building Study Committee: this sub-committee made
recommendations to the School Committee last week to build a new
school next door to existing school to replace Holt School in
Whitman and to recommend a new middle school on the Liberty
Street land.  Murdoch asked that at a future meeting there be
discussion on how those recommendations would address the whole
picture of school needs.  Haggerty also noted that the 10 year
population study need has been done and that figures agree within
one number.  (4) Kuchinski - 175th Events: 100th signed and
numbered print on raffle; that Selectmen would be invited to
participate in the 175th presentations on New Years' Eve Day;
that the 175th Committee seeking permission to use the Town Hall
during the day and the grounds that evening for fireworks.
Haggerty requested this be placed on the December 5th agenda so
that he could have Nugent research from Stearns/Spinney
administrations as to whether the Town Hall could be opened for
such a request.

X. Adjournment. Motion 11/5/95.11:  move to adjourn.  Motion by
Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0. Adjourned at